Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, September 2, 2024
My Children, of This Month I Was Entrusted to Joseph, My Spouse in This World, He Will Give Many Messages
Message from Most Holy Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph to the Holy Trinity Love Group in Oliveto Citra, Salerno, Italy on September 1, 2023, First Sunday of the Month

My children, I am the Immaculate Conception, I am She who gave birth to the Word, I am the Mother of Jesus and your mother, I have descended with great power together with My Son Jesus and God the Father Almighty, the Holy Trinity is here among you. My children, I am giving you My fragrance, My Presence is very strong next to you who have been praying with the heart, you feel a strong warmth, a weight on your head, it is the hand of My Son Jesus, He caresses you when you pray with the heart, He drives away from you the evil that wants to make you tired all the time, He knows the importance of prayer. My children, you must not allow evil to enter your homes and your lives, its purpose is to see you all in hell, he presents himself as an angel of light but in reality he takes you into darkness after you have conceded your will to him. Repent because evil is against God the Father Almighty, he uses the powerful of the world and to all who have power to lead mankind astray, he presents you with his enticements all that you desire, but if you pray My children with your heart, you will be protected by divine grace. Evil has only one purpose, to destroy all that My Son Jesus gave you, bringing confusion about the Holy Law, passing down false truths from generation to generation.
The end of time is near, evil will be unmasked because God the Father Almighty will make My Immaculate Heart triumph together with all those who have believed in Me and My words. Oliveto Citra will be the only reference point for all those who want to follow My Messages, from there I will guide you for all that is about to happen in the world. There there will be a new reference point that will soon be known for the miracles that My Son Jesus will perform, the messages that I will give to the world will be a guide for the last times. Evil is darkening the whole world, but the light of God the Father Almighty will shine through the sun.
My children, of this month I was entrusted to Joseph, My spouse in this world, He will give many messages in the world and speak of Me, even today He wishes to do so. Pray My children and have faith because the Holy Trinity will never abandon anyone, those who will be far from grace and by their own will, pray that this will not happen because I love everyone and desire the salvation of all, pray that human power will collapse. Prayer recited with faith will soften the heart of God the Father Almighty because nothing is impossible to Him, never forget that. I love you My children, immensely, now I must leave you, I give you a kiss and bless you all, in the name of Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Shalom! Peace My children.
My sons, My daughters, it is I Joseph, the husband of Mary, the one who by the will of God led Jesus. My teaching came from Mary, She always guided Me along with the Angels of God. When Jesus was born, there was a persecution against Us, evil wanted to hinder the birth of Jesus in every way through those who reigned, but God did not allow it because His plan for mankind was great, and evil went mad when it could do nothing against the power of God, evil must always be subservient to God, he cannot handle what God decides. My children, the teachings given to Me by the Angels made Me carry out the plan of God that was on Me, but I often did not understand. When Jesus grew up, I always took Him to the Temple of God because even there Jesus was talking to God, I was always close to Jesus, He is a symbol of purity in this world and everyone must understand Him, Jesus gave Himself for the world, to save every sinner.
My children, when I saw Mary for the first time, My heart felt a strong love, it was the love of God, I at that time was 25 years old, the Angel Gabriel came to Me in a dream and explained everything I had to face. When everything came true, I was taken to Heaven because My mission was to be short but very intense.
My children, the greatness of God cannot be understood unless one accepts the help that comes from Heaven. I have appeared in various parts of the world to many of My children, I have explained how the Family of Heaven is formed, I have always appeared with Jesus Child and with Him I have given many signs, Jesus Child has touched the hearts and converted the path of those who received this grace. My children, I have much to tell you,
soon I will explain how Mary guided Me, I will explain every detail so that it will be a teaching for all of you. Now the Holy Trinity wishes to bless everyone, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.